Techbank Co., Ltd.

Traditional Chinese English

Product Name: Alloys for Machining Industry

We offer a wide range of alloys for use in machining plants (large and small) everywhere. In fact, almost every alloy we sell can be used in machine shops in some form. Some of these top sellers include high temperature/corrosion resistant alloys.

Alloys used in CNC machining plants
CNC machining plants apply our alloys to:

medical equipment

screw machine

milling machine

Audio equipment

Machined Aluminum Box

musical instrument

Milling vacuum chamber

Alloys used in stamping plants
Not all stamping equipment and parts are the same, stamping equipment and parts made using our alloys are of high quality and reliability.
Apply it to:

Drill press

Etching equipment

metal roll
Coil holder

dicing saw

other machines
and tools

computer case


Products List