Techbank Co., Ltd.

Traditional Chinese English

Product Name: Telecommunications Industry Alloy

ASTM F15 alloy (Kovar) is the main alloy used in the telecommunications industry.
ASTM F15 ALLOY (Kovar) provides a stable environment for optimum performance in high frequency fiber optic cables and tubes for voice, video and internet data transmission. Controlled expansion alloys are used to create metal-to-glass hermetic seals that allow electrical current to enter sensitive electronic devices while protecting those devices from the outside environment.

Common applications in telecommunications and fiber optics include:
WADM (Wavelength Add/Drop Multiplexer) modules, modulators, attenuators, integrated and hybrid circuits, image sensors, pump lasers, transistors, switches, amplifiers.

In addition to ASTM F15 (Kovar), the telecommunications industry uses the following nickel-iron alloys with low or controlled expansion:

Alloy 36 (Invar)

42 Alloy

45 Alloy
46 Alloy


48 & 49 Alloys

52 Alloy


101 &102 Alloys

All ASTM F15 alloy (Kovar©) and other alloy products are DFARS compliant and compliant with Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010.


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